Cardiff taxi cabs now carry RAPAID

The city is the first in Wales and the seventh in the UK to form part of RAPAID’s campaign to put life-saving emergency bandages kits into circulation so that any member of the public can potentially stop the bleed and save a life in the event of an accident, incident, or criminal attack.
The Cardiff roll out has gained the full backing of Rhys Morgan at Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan licensing section, along with taxi drivers in the city and the taxi union. Adrian Snook, the Neighbourhood Inspector for Cardiff City Centre’s neighbourhood policing team is also very supportive of the initiative and has welcomed it as a positive step towards making Cardiff even more welcoming and safer for residents and visitors alike.
Rhys Morgan commented:
“The authority are delighted that drivers in the city will be able to carry these kits and for the campaign to be available in the city. The initiative has been seen to gain excellent momentum and we are pleased that the Cardiff taxi community can be part of this campaign”.