Exeter Taxi Cabs Now Carry Rapaid Emergency Bandages

The iconic Red and black Taxi cabs of Exeter now carry military-grade emergency bandages designed to prevent serious blood loss following an accident or major incident.
Sixty of the taxis that are supporting this initiative display a Rapaid window sticker that shows the public and the emergency services the cabs can be waved down allowing immediate access to these lifesaving bandages.
The recent donations follow on from successful campaigns in Manchester, Oxford and Swindon with hundreds of taxi cabs now carrying Rapaid emergency bandage kits. Rapaid are also in looking to see how they can help Exeter City council further by donating more kits into community centres and public venues around the county.
This recent donation has been welcomed by Devon and Cornwall Police who fully support this life-saving initiative as part of the Vision Zero road safety partnership.
Joel Cooper from Devon and Cornwall Vision Zero said:
“This is a fantastic initiative that the vision zero road safety partnership fully supports, having lifesaving bandages and life-saving equipment readily available to the public in those vital first moments of an accident or incident can make all the difference, well done Rapaid.”