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Manchester Black cabs now carry Rapaid Emergency Bandages

200 black cabs in Manchester are now carrying lifesaving Rapaid emergency bandages that could help prevent someone bleeding to death following a serious accident or major incident.

200 Emergency bandage bags, that’s 800 bandages = 800 lives.

Quick, simple, lifesaving these bandages can be applied in just one minute by anyone with no medical training. Used by the military and emergency services worldwide, they have a proven track record and are the most effective way to stop serious bleeding, buying valuable time for any casualty.

Superintendent Chris Hill of the City of Manchester Division said:

“This is a great initiative that GMP supports across the whole of Greater Manchester. Anything that increases public safety and helps to prevent fatalities is a good thing and even though I hope these will not be needed, if injuries do occur, the bandages have the potential to stop serious bleeding until an ambulance arrives”.