Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust chooses RAPAID kit

It might seem a little like selling coals to Newcastle, or ice to the North Pole, but if anyone understands the risks of bleeding out from an injury, it’s an NHS Trust!
And Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust has chosen to make RAPAID its supplier for bleed kits, purchasing a total of 36 of our emergency bandages bags to date…and counting.
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust decided to put emergency bandages kits in all its property assets, because they are only too aware that the minutes it takes for the emergency services to arrive can be enough for the victim of a serious injury to bleed out. The Trust looked into a variety of bleed kits to select a solution that was simple to use without any training, contained everything needed to save a life, and was robust enough to remain in good condition for an extended service life, opting for RAPAID kits as an ideal option.
RAPAID kits were chosen for Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust because they are quick and simple to use, and capable of stemming serious blood loss until help arrives in those golden first few minutes following an accident, incident, or injury.
The Trust were also impressed with the long, eight-year shelf life of RAPAID kits, and the quality of the bag, which is made from the same anti-microbial materials specified by the NHS for paramedics’ bags. This means that, just like the equipment carried by paramedics, RAPAID kits are fire retardant, have reflective writing to make sure they are easy to recognise even at night time, and are wipe-clean and infection resistant.
The most recent RAPAID purchase from Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust has been installed in the Institute of Mental Health at the University of Nottingham. It’s fantastic to see healthcare professionals, estates and facilities managers, and emergency and preparedness officers taking the risk of life-threatening injuries seriously and mitigating risk to protect people with emergency bandages kits. And we’re delighted that Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust has chosen RAPAID kits, because every penny they have spent at our online shop will be ploughed back into the charity to provide more kits.