Oxford black cabs now carry Rapaid Emergency bandages

Black cabs in Oxford will begin carrying lifesaving military-grade emergency bandages from today thanks to a local charity that has donated and distributed kits across the city centre.
The recent donation across Oxford follows a successful campaign in Manchester where 200 black cabs are now carrying emergency bandage kits. Each black cab displays window stickers that clearly identify they have bandages available and the public or emergency services can flag down and utilise them in the event of serious trauma or major incident.
Rapaid’s intervention has been welcomed by Thames Valley Police violence reduction unit and they are in positive communications with Rapaid about coordination and the possible rollout of this and similar initiatives across the whole of the Thames Valley region. While Sajid Khan, Chairman of the Oxford Black Cab Association COLTA.
Sajid Khan added:
“We are very proud to be supporting this initiative and helping to keep Oxford safe. Black cabs are iconic trusted taxis with a legacy of supporting the community. The cabs that are carrying the bandages will be in and out of key locations across the city including the night-time economy, outside bars and clubs where serious incidents can often occur.”
Amongst those supporting the distribution of these kits today in Oxford are two of Rapaid’s Patrons, both of whom have been directly affected by acts of terrorism. Figen Murray tragically lost her son Martyn in the Manchester Arena attack in May 2017 and has been instrumental in campaigning for the Protect Duty. Travis D. Frain was injured in the Westminster Bridge attack in March 2017; one of his numerous injuries included a serious bleed caused by a laceration.
Figen Murray said:
“I am proud to know the people who are behind Rapaid emergency bandages. These bandages are so important and can literally make a difference between life or death”
Whilst Travis added:
“It cannot be underestimated just how significant the deployment of these emergency kits is, and how much of a difference they will undoubtedly make. I would hope that they are never needed, but the reality is that these kits will save lives, and not just those affected by acts of terrorism, but also for those impacted by knife crime, freak accidents, and a whole range of other incidents”.
The kits have also been distributed into venues across Oxford city centre including the covered market, the high street, independent cafes and bars, and Oxford University college lodges. The University of Oxford security services will also now carry the kits in their vehicles as they patrol the city day and night. The bandages have additionally been deployed in community centres in areas of Oxford that have seen recent cases of knife crime and Cllr Louise Upton, Oxford City Council’s Cabinet Member for Safety, said:
“I hope we never need to use these bandages, but if we do, then stopping a massive loss of blood could make the difference between saving a life or not. Rapaid has managed to bring together organisations across the city, to get bandages into many locations. Let’s get the message out so that everyone knows they are never far from these lifesaving devices. This is a great initiative, thank you Rapaid!”