RAPAID team deploys emergency bandages kit after street stabbing incident

RAPAID’s mission to install our emergency bandages kits in black cabs throughout UK cities is all about making sure help is at hand wherever and whenever it is needed. And for one of our team, that moment was right outside a hospital when a young man was stabbed following an altercation in the street.
Colette from our marketing team had been attending an appointment with one of her children and was making her way to the car park, when she saw the individual stagger and slump to the ground. A construction worker immediately went over to help the injured man.
Remembering that she had one of our emergency bandages kits in the car, Colette told the construction worker and the injured man that she would run to the car to fetch a bandage, and she returned a couple of minutes later with a RAPAID kit to find that more people had stopped to help, including a nurse.
Colette handed the bandage to the nurse, explaining that it is a military-style emergency bandage and advising her on how to use it. The nurse took the bandage and applied it to the man’s hand, which was bleeding severely following the incident.
“I had put the RAPAID kit in my car without ever thinking that I would need to use it,” commented Colette. “I was really glad to be able to help, particularly as the man looked so distressed, and it was clear that, despite being just across the road from a hospital, it would have taken time to get first responder assistance to him.”
“It was also great to see how many people were prepared to come to the man’s aid – a clear indication that being able to access RAPAID emergency kits is a way of enabling members of the public to help a stranger, because most people wouldn’t hesitate.”