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Mass Casualty RAPAID Bandage Bags

Mass Casualty RAPAID Bandage Bags

In our dedication to safety and community preparedness for accidents, we’re pleased to introduce our new ‘Mass Casualty’ RAPAID bandage bags. Ideal for larger venues and locations to provide emergency first aid for terror attacks, RTAs and other incidents.

Inside the bag is:

  • 20 X Emergency Bandages
  • 10 X Pairs of Surgical Gloves
  • A Colour Rigid Instruction Card
  • RAPAID Window Stickers

The distinctive green stand can sit seamlessly next to fire extinguishers and any other existing health and safety products to be easily relocated according to the dynamic needs of an event. Along with our smaller RAPAID kits, every purchase of these larger bags from our online store contributes to our mission of donating more emergency bandage kits to taxis.

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